A huge black egg, more spider or spore-like than avian, somewhere dark: a basement, maybe a sewer or alleyway. The egg splits open and the perfect blackness of its interior is intruded upon. Omarion Derulo, sloughing off strange embryonic fluid and cursing under his breath, is not pleased to leave the blackness. His lord has cast him out of the blindness, to what end?
As the crowd crashed euphorically past the broken line of riot police, the party held back to heal their wounds. The cleric was pulled off by Herbert to recover further, the former in no condition to fight on and the latter nursing his friend and a bottle of the old aqua vita. Bodies were looted and gear pilfered. Tiro the Skilos, having done his good deed for the day in helping Tirias back to his feet, decided to set things straight by decapitating one of the fallen riot police and carrying the head around with him for…reasons. The others alternated between looting and arson, Guark and Kerouac even getting their fortunes read by a soothsayer looking to keep her shop from being burned down. It was then they met Omarion Derulo, disoriented but happy to join the mayhem.
Seeking out the mob again they found Guark, having fought his way to them solo and a bit roughed up for it, but brimming with rage and hunger. Oops--our intrepid team took a wrong turn down the wrong alley; there they were stopped and confronted by a party of brave and noble adventurers sent to stop the insurrectionists bringing terror to the city. A beautiful elven wizard and her fiancé the bold fighter; the fighter’s sworn brother-at-arms and their dwarven cleric sworn to the great god, Western Civilization. The noble heroes stood their ground against our roguish bunch, but quickly Omarion Derulo set the tone by impaling the wizard on Clarissa, his faithful glaive. Her lover screamed in anguish, striking down Derulo in turn. A bloody melee ensued, with Tirias and Tiro firing volleys of arrows into the fray, as Kerouac, despite having used much of his energies in the last battle, let George the Land Octopus run rampant amongst the would-be-do-gooders to electrifying effect. Guark, unleashing his primal anger, turned the cleric into mush with the most fearsome greataxe strike we’ve seen to date.
A hard fought battle against the goody-two-shoes won, bodies were looted. Tiro having used his decapitated head as a projectile weapon, decided to make himself a new one from the self-righteous cleric, pinning, through his eye, a draft law held by the dwarf planning to ban dancing and alcohol among the poor. This would surely liven things up with the mob.
Kerouac ducked into a corner to rest a bit and replenish his arcane artillery, leaving the rest of the gang to turn the corner and rejoin the mob just in time to run into a mean looking group of baltageyya, complete with sticks and home made one-shot shotguns. Omarion Derulo gets his divine smite on, blinding at least one of the thugs, but is dropped unconscious yet again. The man’s eagerness to battle is complemented only by his ability to attract blows it would seem.
As the baltageyya fall, defeated, our heroes roil forwards with the mob, at the foot of the tower that they must breach. Guark, however, while consuming another body of his enemies, finds himself confronted by a gaunt apparition. Guark is now cursed with a dark, insatiable hunger for the flesh of intelligent beings, but in consuming them can temporarily gain some of their abilities.